Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2003...6:01 pm
Eh yeah I'm still around.. nothing really to update.. I've been sewing like mad, have made 2.5 dresses and a summer outfit in the last two weeks. I'm trying to get a head start on spring and summer, vs waiting till the season hits, realizing the girls have either outgrown or worn out most of the clothes and then running to the store to buy stuff and curse myself because "I could have made that" but didn't. Yeah, I'll put pics up soon I promise. Was hoping to get amanda to model some stuff but she seems to be very anti modeling.. anti changing clothes period. She'd wear the same grungy shirt for two days if I didn't make a HUGE deal out of how cool her pajamas are.. and then changing her while she's still semi sleepy in the morning.

Speaking of Amanda.. she's two.. I was waiting for the no's.. they came already. Faster than a speeding bullet infact.. "no, no cwothes" "no no no no go home" "no go bed" "no vebeebuls" "no watch wee bee" .. I'll let you translate.

She will however, tickle on command, tell you to 'go home right now why-jah" (that's elijah btw) and.. "I want caaaaaaaaannnndyyyyyyyyyyy" don't look at me!! Grandma is the candy person lol.

Ahh other good news.. I guess anyway.. we finally weaned. Did I tell yall that? It's been about a month or close to it, I kept reminding her that her birthday was comning and she'd be a big girl.. no more oobie.. It wasn't so much her age but I was just.. tired of it and really begining to loath the nursing relationship. Of course now I miss it but she did great.. we both did. Time to move on to new and better things.. to seek out new galaxies and civilizations.. to boldly wear a one piece dress and sexy bras like no man has done before! teehee.. yes I do miss nursing but I'm so proud of my manda.

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