Monday, Sept. 23, 2002...10:06 am
The true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good.

- Ann Landers

How about a quote of the day? Something a little different maybe? Personally I think it's a nifty idea.. and as long as I can find some cool quotes I'll post one a day. Since it IS my diary and all.. hehe...

WHY is amanda so MEAN?? She's such a one way kinda person. One way= HER way. sheesh. All day long she fights me.. or gets into *EVERYTHING* constantly.. It's tiresome. By 6 pm I am so zonked I can hardly focus. I'm hoping she grows out of it soon.. if not, I need to borrow a wig because I will be pulling all my hair out. LOL!

Argh I forgot something... blah!!! I hate it when I do that.. Oh my house is finally getting in order. I'm not worried when company comes over without calling first!! I do need to fix my vaccum though, it's not picking up.blah. I think it's a seal thingy in the hose. Who knows...

Off to do the day! ...about