Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2002...12:19 pm
Ohhhh happy day! Mom has a HUGE box of fabric for me.. two of them even! So now I have some nifty upolstry fabric to make.. um. STUFF lol. shhhh.

The girls are at my mom's for the day.. So I'm bored *sniff*

I can't think of what to write.. except mari is back online and I'm glad to see that!! She worries me with that crazy life of hers!

Dh has a meeting at work on his day off. That sucks.

I guess I'll write more later.. I need to finish the giraffe bag and start on some other projects. Also have to CLEAN! Always. UGh. Why can't ty make mega moolah and have us a maid? I'm worthy right? ;) The lottery.. it's ALL about the lottery.

TTYL! ...about