Tuesday, Apr. 09, 2002...8:58 am
Ok.. so the cutie aint so cute anymore. eh. Well.. he's cute, but he REFUSES to use his puppy pee pads. *sigh* so I'm training him to go outside. yay me. lol. This morning I took him out and he went.. the funny thing was, he went right next door where he could smell a HUGE dog. What can I say? he's a badass. lol.

I don't know if this is temporary behavior or what, but he seems really calm. He's not the bouncy tail waggy type at all but he's not snappy either. To be blunt, he's lazy as all get out. lol. He does the puppy stuff, wants to play tug, likes to be nosey, but in general.. he doesn't do much of anything, other than look like a bored teddy bear.

On other points.. I'm tired. I've been feeling really stressed lately and I'm not exactly sure why. Money has been an issue since I havent been getting paid by work on time, if at all. Now that I think about it, thats prolly it. The bill people are calling after all. =O(

on the 17th alliyah registers for kindergarten. Wow! I just hope she does well. I asked for an appt. with the principal in order to get her a teacher that is in tune with ADHD and ODD. Mind you, I dont want a teacher that is lenient, but rather the opposite. She needs someone that can rule with an iron hand in a velvet glove. A good teacher but one with much patience and firm dicipline. I know.. dream on. lol but at least I can start early with working closely with the teachers and school in general. This summer we'll buck up on table manners and things like that.. and of course play school. Tis one of alliyah's favorite games.

I'm out for now, i the rest of the day is as boring as t is now I'm sure you'' hear from me again..

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