Monday, Apr. 08, 2002...1:12 pm
So. I woke up this morning and did the usual.. ty had already gotten ashtyn to school since I sleep in till about 7:30 in the mornings. I started picking up a bit before the girls woke up. around 8, as soon as I started checking my email (had intended on replying to several posts on my groups, sorry I haven't been around much!) becky knocked on the door. So.. I open the door and she's holding the puppy.. and she's all "Look what got me filthy! This shirt is brand new!!!" Anyways.. so she didn't want to take him home.. like she doesn't have enough pets to start with (3 dogs, 5 cats, 2 scorpions, 7 betas and 3 trantulas.. most of the cats and 2 dogs are outdoor animals tho) Oh and a bird. LOL Whimsy. The one that likes to pull hair! OWEE!

Anyways.. so there's this furball on the floor, and he's been sleeping most of the time since he got her this morning. He was soaking wet, shivering cold and just so pitiful. I ran out and got some food for him, and he ate.. He seems pretty happy, tho he thinks my toes are supposed to be part of his bed. *sigh*

Ty was all for keeping him. he didn't even give me a second glance when I asked. That was really nice. He didn't like moby at all, but I think he realized how much I love dogs when moby passed on.

I'm going to take him to the vet as soon as they reopen in about 2 weeks, since right now they're doing construction work. The vet said he would be ok with the kids as long as we watched him and make sure he wasn't outside for long, since another animal bite could be dangerous for him. He's all healthy and such, really makes me wonder if he hasn't already had his first shots. Becky went all over the neighborhood where she found him and no one knew where he came from.. so he was probably a dumped doggie. Po thing. And like the vet said, he is better off with us than in the neighborhood he was in, since they are well known to get dogs and raise them to fight for money. I so hate that. blah. They fight them till they die sometimes. Lots of times they lose an ear, a tail etc. Stupid people.

Anyways.. so far the people I've talked to say he's lab, maybe chow and boarder collie too. I'm not sure.. I do think there's some lab for sure. One way or another, he's going to be a fair sized dog, but hopefully a medium sized. I have no idea, because dog breed guessing is just not my forte'.

Anyways.. here's a pic:

Tell me what you think! ...about