Monday, Apr. 29, 2002...9:04 am
SOMEBODY PLEASE! come clean my house. UGH. I've got so much to do. ack!! I'm behind in a major way. I'll manage though.. *sigh* I really need to paint. I'm a perfectionist, but I don't think anybody knows it really. The reason I say that is because if I can't do something *just so* I don't do it at all. Like house cleaning. blah! I've GOT to get away from that. I really piss myself off at me. lol.

So today it's


More cleaning

Maybe some sewing

Even more cleaning.


Sometime soon I have to get the VBS stuff together, for a meeting at the end of the month.

There are SO many things I want to do in life that I just don't even know where to get started. Sucks. *sigh*

I'm going to get ashtyn and alliyah and come home to clean. If I'm not around you know what happened to me! The vacuum cleaner kidnapped me!

TTYL! ...about