Saturday, Mar. 30, 2002...10:46 pm
Well now. The Easter Bunny comes tonight. Lets hope he doesn't forget his shit like he did a couple of years ago and no get it out till after he sent the kids back to bed. Whoops!

Anyways.. I'm still sewing. *sigh* I swear I wasn't really procrasinating! Somehow I thought amanda would do something magical and let me actually sew with her awake. *sigh* didn't happen. So here I am taking a break. I don't have to much left to do so it's all good. The only bummer is I'm not going to have time to make the little matching purses and headbands like I'd planned, but no biggie right? I can always add to the outfits.

My SIL and SILBM came over today and took the girls shoe shopping. Boy was I glad to get out of that. I go in planning on buying them each one pair of shoes and they all come out with a pair of dress shoes, 2 tennies, flip flops, sunglasses and whatever else they can come up with. lol nutty kids, and pushover mom. *sigh* Tis ok though. We only go to the shoe store once in a blue moon (well ok, about 4-5 times a year depending) so it's not that bad. Anyways. SIL bought them shoes and hose to go w/ their dresses. awwwwwwww. Then she took them to her grandparents to play, so I could have some me/sewing time. VERY cool. She said she'd come get them again soon. I'm not one to dump my kids but I tell ya, it's really nice to have some time to myself, besides staying up all night after they're in bed. I did a WHOLE dress in about 2 hrs. Mind you, I took a ton of shortcuts that I will have to go back and fix if I want the dress to last. There's NO way I'd sell a dress like the way I made this one. lol. but it's good enough for tomorrow, so I'm happy with it for now. The zipper was the big thing. Zippers are the work of the devil. They are pure HELL to get in right. I curse whoever invented the darned things like a mean streak.

My Camera has been SHIPPED!! WOW! I got it off I can't say much for how their stuff is since I haven't gotten the camera yet, but I tell ya, they have some *fast* working going on in there. I won the auction friday morning, by friday afternoon I was notified that my order was shipped to the warehouse, and by sat. midday they had shipped. Mind you, the shipping was an arm and a leg ($26) but that's really not *to* bad since 1) it's overnight UPS 2) it's camera, has to be packaged carefully etc, 3) everybody else charges an arm and a leg too, unless you can find a shipping discount. Either way, I paid 200 for the cam so it's worth it.

I should get up, but I'm tired. lol so I'll keep yapping. If you are bored stop here because it's about to get worse.

Hrmmmm. It rained. Ty also messed the toliet up and so it overflowed. How gross. He did get it cleaned up so I'll give him that. Monday they're putting in new blinds in the LR so that's cool. I should make new curtians. I'm really tired of blue and this stuff totally does NOT match my couch. Besides, it's only a flimsy valance, need something pretty.

I'm ready to be done with easter dresses and start making patchwork, and more dipes for ebay or whereever people will buy them.. I need MONEY. *sigh* Lots of orders and no cash. Anybody want to play collection agency for me ?

Ummm.. hrmm. Oh. We're going to my mom's tomorrow. Gonna hid easter eggs and eat and be merry etc. Fun eh? Yeah my sister (bio mom) will be there with her two kids, and me with my four. Anybody wanna come watch the fight?

Last time we were there they were playing with sidewalk chalk. Ashtyn and Chase (nevvy, 8 yo) weren't getting along to well. Chase wrote "Your Stoopid" or something like that.. in huge letters on the walk.. ashtyn didn't say a word. But she wrote back "YOU CAN'T SPELL" lol

Me and my sister thought that was sooo funny, and decided we werent going to intervein unless it came to blows. Gotta let them learn to hold their own ya know?

Junkmail is taking over my inbox. That pisses me off. I've tried to limit joining crap to my freebie accounts, and now they're going through my ISP account and blah. about 80 a DAY even. I have a feeling Yahoo has something to do with that. Bastards.

I'm going to sew.. and you should go to bed.. you look really tired. ...about