Sunday, Mar. 31, 2002...10:41 pm
So it's Easter. Tis the day Jeasus arose from the dead, and the celebration of the oncoming spring. Either way you celebrate, it is a day of new life, joy, starting over. It's a nice time. Even though it was cold and wet and rainy, one just can't quite shake the excitement of the day.

The girls awoke to easter baskets, promises of sugar overload, egghunts and family time. They enjoyed every bit of it, and so did I. The only downers of the day was my falling on my ass last night when I went out to get the baskets from my car. A bloody knee, kinked back and bruised hip later, I'm feeling fine and dandy. lol! My BIL had a toothache, so I made him put a swab of cloverleaf oil on it. He was not to happy about it, was horrified at the taste but lived long enough to enjoy a short time of painless toothlessness. Anybody that has ever used clover leaf oil can tell ya.. that stuff is NASTY. but it usually does the trick and that's the point. My dentist routinely uses cloverleaf oil for dry socket patients, so I'm sure somebody out there knows what I'm talking about...

My dad got most of the day on tape, including a close up of my rear end while I was bending over helping amanda pick up "hidden" eggs. Thanks dad! Now I know what I need to exercise more! Sheesh. He even said "Look at that! She takes up the WHOLE screen. ROTFL.. doesn't help that it's a 36" screen either! Of course all this was just general teasing since I've lost weight. I was about 180 lbs and a size 18, now I'm in a 10, no powertools needed =O)I should weigh myself, but for some stupid reason I'm afraid to. *sigh* besides, we don't have a scale. The one we did have weirded out, and I bought one ages ago but left it in the store (opps! lol) and never went back for another one.

so among other good news.. I'm thinking my digi cam will be here tomorrow! WOOOHOO! I'm so excited.. and what a let down it will be if he doesn't come. BLah. Tuesday would be ok too.

OOoohhh I forgot to add the funnies.. Daddy was taping the kids all in a row with their Easter baskets. Little did they know that while they were all grinning and waving and talking to the camera, Amanda was stealing eggs out of their baskets and nodding at my dad. LOL Little egg thief!!! Then she ended up with a basket full, and the kids couldn't understand why their first counts were higher than the seconds. *laughs* silly silly babies.

Till next time! ...about