Friday, Mar. 01, 2002...8:56 pm
I got *nothing* done today.. had company all day, but twas fun to sit and chit chat IRL. lol! the kids all had a blast together.

My camera didn't come, tis why you don't have beautiful pics showing every detail of my filtly cardboard home. I did get a little sewing done, but mostly cleaned. Doesn't look like it now since the kids trashed it but whatever. I'm bored to pieces sitting here so I guess I'll go clean the kitchen and stuff till anna sleeps.. then I will try to sew. I'm zonked though. blah. I was all excited about the camera coming and it didn't. the tracking number isn't even in the UPS data base. grrrr.

Ohh ty is all upset. Just got an email. LOL seems I spent the rent money. I paid rent last friday and still have some checks to put in, plus I'll have a deposit to go in on the 3rd. lol po ty. He thinks I can't handle $$ but yet, all the bills are on time and stuff. bahhahaha. I may have a coochie but I CAN do numbers. Just don't ask me what time it will be when daylight savings time hits. I am SOOO not good at that. Spring forward or fall back, or is it fall forward and spring back? and even if it's the first way do you go to bed an hour later or get up an hour earlier? heh.. so dumb. but it confuses me. Last fall I woke up in a state of panic because, well, I wasn't sure what time it was and that bothered me. So yeah. Gimme trig any day. Sit me down with one of ashtyn's word problems and we'll be here for a while. lol.

The hammies are on the wheel. I think they think if they get up enough speed they'll make it to the top to the excape route. They do make it to the top.. sometimes one stops running and the other doesn't so the one that stops goes backwards and spins. *sigh*

I put my fish next to their cage. Don't do that. The fish got all pissy and the hammies couldn't have cared less, but now my beta is all depressed and slept at the bottom of the bowl the rest of the day. He tries to bite me too.. doesn't hurt but it's annoying if I'm trying to clean the thingy he's in. "nip nip nip" dummy fish. but he's cool.

Amanda is turning into a brat. I hate it. She hits and pinches and seems like no matter what I do she's still mean as hell. Nobody but anna hits her, and even then that's only if I don't get between them fast enough when amanda is messing with her stuff.. which she *loves* to do. Do they make straight jackets for 15 month olds?

Is this long enough? I'm going now anyways. TTYL ...about