Saturday, Jun. 15, 2002...9:28 pm
I'm depressed. My house looks like crap. It's clean.. the whole house.. but.. it just looks nasty. The walls need painting, the carpet needs to be replaced.. There is so much that needs to be fixed that its not even close to funny. The only rooms that look half decent is my room and the sewing room. Probably because both rooms have limited kiddie exposure. I won't even get into how junked up it is. blah. I've tried to declutter, but ty has both downstairs closets packed with mess, and my furniture (not the new couch and love seat tho) are ugly, mismatched etc. It just doesn't feel like home.. looks more like we went to Good Will and took the left overs.

I need window treatments, something besides plain blinds.. decorations etc.. I donno.. I want to move.. but we arent ready for a house just yet. Soon I hope.. really soon. ...about