Monday, Apr. 29, 2002...8:45 pm
My stomach is all icky. I cant think of why though.. and NO I'm not pg. LOL dh and I even explored and we were *still* to tired to try anything. That is.. really really sad!!!

*ahem* assuming you didn't get lost in the other link.. teehee! In the next week or two I'm putting up tons of auctions on ebay. Would anyone be interested in joining a notify list for that?

lalala.. bored. I got the girls to clean tonight! Amazing! Even amanda was pitching in and throwing toys in the toybox =O) Could have been my promise to make frozen pudding pops for tomorrow but that will be my secret ok?

I just yelled to the girls to get out of the tub and it echoed.. wow. You can tell I'm from the country.. I'm the loudest mom around here.. or maybe I just don't hear the other moms?

*sigh* looks like I have to go fuss.. it's 9 pm and they're still up! Argh!

TTYL! ...about