Sunday, Apr. 28, 2002...1:06 pm
Ugh... some days I feel like my life is built out of playing cards.. every card carefully in place, but not sturdy.. and when one card gets knocked over the whole thing comes down.

Gee.. I'm depressing lol.

Really tho.. sometimes it seems like I spend my whole life trying to get my life together.. and its no fun! I want to be one of those organized people that know what they're doing and when they're going to do it, exactly how they'll do it and when they're done, it ends up exactly the way they wanted. I can count on one hand the number of times I could do things like that. *sigh*

So.. in other news.. today is more cleaning, more cooking etc. and sewing!!!!!! I've got stuff cut out, just need to put it together. I have a hard time of doing just one project at a time.. I tend to have 4 or 5 things going at once. Tis me I guess.. it usually works.. well ok it doesn't but I still do it that way. LOL Someone come retrain my brain!

Ty finally gave me the rest of the scoop at work. Turns out they're only cutting hours for a month, so maybe after 2 paychecks things will go back to normal. Meanwhile I need to get my butt in gear and start ebaying like mad.

K I think that's it for now.. Hugs and smootches for everybody that comes by.. LOTS of AOL'ers.. that's scary!!! ...about