Friday, Mar. 29, 2002...2:29 am
Well.. I think I'm getting a camera! YAY! I know I'm getting one but I wont know for sure if I get the one I'm wanting till in the morning. As soon as I get the cam I'm going to have to start a new rule with my biz.. It's doing ok, I've got about $200 worth of orders, but waiting on payments so I can ship out. *sigh* I do hope I get paid.

I intend on making a few nifty outfits too. I've got to finish anna and amanda's outfits tomrrow and saturday though, and then I'll be done with Easter dresses. My mom was VERY impressed with ashtyn and alliyah's outfits. That means a LOT to me because she has been sewing for YEARS professionally. The main trick is to press press and press again. =O)

UGH I'm tired and getting stressed out. I'm going to go to bed and get some shut eye so I can *do* stuff today. (yeah it's today already lol) I got so stressed with my camera missing that I haven't gotten much of anything else done. Hopefully that's taken care of and I can relax as soon as the dresses are finished. I just wish the camera was here for easter. *sniff sniff* .

The hammies are still alive and doing well.. both boys.. so NA no babies. I've heard we'll have to separate them as they get older due to fighting, then I've heard that it was the girls that needed to be separated, then I heard that I just shouldn't have gotten the nasty things to start with (hi mom lol). So we shall see. They are downstairs where we all are most days so I can keep an eye on them. Right now they are just sweet little brothers and omg. I'm attached to rodents. God help me! There is just something so cool about those tiny little feet walking over your hands though ya know? it's cool.

Anyways, really outta here, I'm tired. night! ...about