2002-03-21...9:25 p.m.
I am *tired*. But my day isn't over yet. I still have some sewing I *have* to do tonight. Which reminds me, I'm totally pissed at ty. He said he'd take anna and amanda with him while he washed at his grandparents so I was all excited that I'd get to sew before 11 pm. Wrong. Asshole says he doesn't have room for anna (amanda is sleeping) so now I have to wait till she eventually goes to sleep before I can do anything. UGH. I NEVER get time to myself. He just.. ugh. There's a lot going on between us right now that I won't get into, but it's just not a happy marriage right now. It's not a fighting one either, but there's nothing other than going to work and washing clothes coming from his end. What a load of shit.

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