2002-03-19...10:52 p.m.
Ohhhh!!! A new update. Bout time. Unfortunately, this one isn't full of wonderful information.

Speaking of information, how do ya make those nifty lines in between entries? I don't want to deal with a bunch of entries on the same page, but I would like to have a separtor for subjects occasionally. Email me!!

Anyways. To much to do and to little time. Story of my life. Tomorrow I have tons of errands to run, lots of sewing to do etc. My days are always super busy on ty's off days. Go figure. Diapers, christening rompers, easter dresses, baby clothes etc. WHEW! TONS of work. SEND ME MONEY PEOPLE! Teehee!

Really. Send me email. I'm about to make a reads page, so if you'd like your page included, email me with the URL. Anybody want to make a banner for me? I'd be ever so gratefulness. =O)

Amanda is a bugger. So are the rest of the bunch. Twas a good day, and now they're all sleeping. I love my girls. It's just so weird to sit back and watch them interact. It makes me crazy to know all of them are mine.. for the time being anyway. It's just so.. empowering. I want more. I REALLY want more through adoption though, so we'll see how we can pull that off later.

Anyways.. enough ramblings. I'm going to get my camera tomorrow I think, and then I might put up a sew and show page. =O)

I'm outta here! NIGHT ALL!

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