2002-03-12...10:47 a.m.
I just lost my best friend. She is being such a fucking idiot. BEYOND stupid.

Why do people listen and learn and then fall in love and pretend that everything that's ever happened to anybody else won't happen to them?

Case in point. My best friend of 3.5 years, she's just being incredibly stupid. Here's a history..

She ent to college, started living with this guy soon after, they got married and were together a total of like, almost 19 years. He was an alcoholic abusive asshole from the start, but he got worse as the years went on. She stayed. Finally she found out he was arranging male sex orgies via internet, and put him out.

Bout damn time. So that was almost a year ago that she put him out. She was so broken, so scared, so just everything. It was awful. I listed to crap about her ex, I was there for her, hugged her when she cried, helped her deal with the kids and everything they were going through, all of it. I was just so THERE. And she did the same for me, whenever I needed her she was there. The only thing was, she got obsessive about a chat room. First there was this one guy, she talked to him forever, said she REALLY liked him. He kinda backed off so that wasn't really working out. I could see that before it happened. They went on their first date on Valentines day and he spent most of the night dancing with somebody else.

Then there was another guy that she was friends with, and when the first guy didnt' work out, she was all over him. Whatever. Nothing ever came of it. After that, somebody from the chat room introduced her to a guy that wasn't online. They talked on the phone for about 2.5 weeks, decided they wanted to go meet. They met, the slept together the first night. They decided they were in love. That was last weekend. This weekend she took her 4 kids down there to stay. Mind you, the divorce is final but visitation and custody battles are not. They stayed in a hotel the first night and at this guy's house for 3 more days. The kids absolutely love him, she absolutely loves him, it's all great and good. So WHY does she have to rush this stuff?? WHY can't she slow down, take things one day at a time and be single and happy yet chased by a cool guy?

I know why. Because as soon as she got rid of the ex she had to prove she could still get a man, so she's acting like a 15 year old two bit ho. She's 42!!!

She's all about how much the kids like him. They would like a homeless guy with no teeth and aids compared with their dad. He was a total asshole, beat the shit out of them every chance they got and drank like none other. Of COURSE they would like that. Her 16 year old said that if they broke up they (the kids) would still go visit him because they like him so much..

It's been *3* weeks. If it's true love and it's meant to be there is NO point in rushing things. So if they do break up and things don't work out, they will be hurt, AGAIN. They do not deserve that kind of crap. Not to mention they need more time with their mom, and let their MOM get them on the right track. The 16 yo acts like he's 9, the others are ok, but they do have more issues than the average kids their age. Of course right now as I type this she's prolly telling the kids "Kristy doesn't like my new guy blah blah blah blah" like they even understand why I'm being like I am. They are KIDS ya know?

Anyways, so she starts in on this "if the ex does anything to the kids the new guy will be all over him" and I was like well you won't like the new guy so much if you have to visit him in jail" and I also told her she shouldn't depend on a guy to hide behind, and she's all you stop that right now blah blah blah. I told her I was over it and blocked her from my buddy list.

If she wanted to date I'd be ok with that. If she wants to look for a guy to marry I'd be ok with that too. But now she's got this guy and she's forgeting about everybody she's known before. None of these people (me, other friends, church-which she never missed a sunday for YEARS) and its just all about the new guy. whatever. I dont believe in instant love, I just dont. Maybe I'm a selfish stupid bitc that doesnt know people as well as I thought i did, maybe I should just sit back and say its all good. Yet my gut says its all wrong, somebody is going to get hurt. What do I do with that????

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