2002-03-09...1:28 p.m.
So what ya think about my new do? Pretty eh?? Mari did the most PERFECT job!! I didn't tell her what I wanted, just let her get creative. I'm just. WOW.. so impressed. So VERY impressed. Thank you mari!!!!!!!!!!

Lets see, not much has been going on since alliyah's party. We were sposed to go to TN but I guess that didn't pan out. I didn't want to go and ty's sister isn't the most dependable when it comes to keeping up with what she needs to do, so I'm thinking she forgot anyway. So, now I get to stay home and TRY to sew. whew. babies keep me to busy. Puter too.

I'm waiting on a bunch of stuff for dipes. Can't wait to get busy. Now if only people will buy things. lol! I made a few slings yesterday, so YAY! I need to get pics of the fabric so that I can post them on the website. Eventually I'll do the grand opening etc. Right now I've got orders to keep me busy as it is. =O)

Ummmm.. I can't think of anything else.. oh. Yeah we had a small pg "scare". AF is late, very very late, but I'm not pregnant. I guess I'll chalk this one up to nursing, even though my periods had been regular, more regular than they ever were before. It's a bitter sweet relief, since ya know, you start thinking about babies and all that, then how it wouldn't be so bad. But really, 5 kids. Wow. That's a bit much right now with amanda so high need. (read, saran wrap child- she clings like no other! LOL).

Anyways, so yeah not pg, but maybe in another couple of years, when the others are a bit bigger and I will have more time. A house would be nice too, but not *that* important. I'm just getting ready to move.. we've been here almost 3 years, and though I like it ok, I want to own a HOUSE.. with a yard and all that good stuff. I MISS mowing?? That's insane. yes it is, but it's so true! I crave to do yardwork and dig for worms in the dirt and be close to mother nature and watch how she raises ALL those flowers and plants and grass and weeds and fruit and veggies and still takes care of all the animals too. Earth is an amazing place ya know?

Sheesh.. sounds like I have a bit of springfever along with the homeowners fever! LOL! I shall go clean the nest and find a book for the kiddies. Talk to yall later!

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