2002-03-03...10:48 p.m.
Well. It wasn't a bad day. If you can believe that!

We went to church this morning, it was so cold out. We were late, and I felt so bad because the music director got there early for children's choir practice this morning. I'm going to write her a thank you note soon and apolgize for us not being there for practice. Sounds doofy? Yeah well see we have a really small church, on average only about 50 people total come every sunday. Mine and becky's kids, along with a *few* others, are the only ones that are there regularly. So she kind of depends on those few kids to come in and sing. Not to meantion she drives about 30 minutes to get their earlier. *sigh* enough bout church.

Erika was really impressed with my dipes! That makes me feel good. I'm so incecure about stuff I make. I have to make christening rompers for ree's twins and send out a few samples soon. If I could just get amanda to believe it really is ok to play on the floor and that toys arent evil beings, life would be good.

I can't decide if I'm going to MIL's or not. It would be nice to let the older girls go and have a break with just me and the babies for a week. However, Ashtyn is refusing to go if I don't go. I'm so tired *now*. I can't imagine running after them, dealing with MIL (she hates my parenting style) and just being in someone else's house in general. I donno. I want a REAL vacation. Like a hotel, stuff to go do, and no inlaws to deal with while we're having fun. Ty is such a a homebody and tightwad when it comes to vacations. He seems to think it will cost thousands just for a weekend on the coast. Whatever.

I should go. It's late and miss amanda doesn't want to sleep without me. So much for a phase... so far it's lasted 14 months! ack!

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