Sunday, Mar. 02, 2003...8:20 pm
I'm bored yet *again* sigh. Seems like all I do is sit on the computer. Tomorrow I'm going to try to change that. I'm not getting anything done so I'm not using any energy, which isn't making me feel any better. So tomorrow I'm going to *work on it*

Everyone seems so totally anti war or just all about it. Even church is getting on the ball now, I just don't know how I feel about that. I'm still on the fence, mainly because I don't feel like I *get* it enough ya know? I mean, I've seen the general points and then I've seen some pretty radical points. I just don't know how to put it all together to make a decision, and even if I did? Who cares? I mean... dubya isn't calling me up tomorrow and saying .. "soooo watcha think? Do we bomb em off the planet? Should I play wack a mole with saddam?"

It's to easy to say, "I don't care, it won't affect me anyway" because it will. It will, it does and it's just way to much for my little brain to understand it all.

My kids are asking questions. I really don't know how to answer. I don't want to scare them but then again, don't they need to understand reality? Understand that people won't and don't get along, including world leaders with skewed views of how they should run things?

I hope the sunshine comes out and warms up soon. I miss the easy summer days when nothing else mattered but who could jump in the pool first and who could swim the fastest. ...about